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Tools for Kids

Zones of Regulation

What are the Zones of Regulation? Kids can learn and practice tools while they are calm so they know how to use them when they are in an elevated emotional state. There are so many feelings that we can experience, and sometimes it is hard to find the vocabulary to describe our feelings to others. Zones of Regulation helps group all of our feelings into 4 "zones" based on the energy level in the body during that feeling. Kids may not be able to say "I'm frustrated" but they may be able to say "I am in the yellow zone" and from there, we can help them access "yellow zone tools" to try to prevent them from moving to the Red Zone.

What are the 4 Zones of Regulation?

  • Blue Zone: low energy: feeling sad, sick, bored, tired, etc
  • Green Zone: calm energy: feeling ready to learn, focused, peaceful, etc
  • Yellow Zone: elevated energy: feeling frustrated, silly, excited, etc
  • Red Zone: unsafe high energy: feeling furious, devastated, elated, etc

Are there bad zones and good zones? Nope, zones aren't bad or good. But kids are “expected” to be in certain zones in certain situations. It is expected to be in the green zone in the classroom and unexpected to be in the yellow zone. However, at recess it is expected to be in the yellow zone (excited).

Tell me about these tools. Each zone has tools to help your child move between the zones. Here is a link from the creator of Zones of Regulation explaining how to use tools at home.

Zones of Regulation Tools Cards | Zones of regulation, Self regulation,  Emotional regulation
Here are some tools to use in each zone when trying to get to the green zone.

Virtual Calming Rooms

Why Virtual Calming Rooms? There are so many of these floating around right now for COVID support. They have all sorts of names like Zen Den, etc. These sites compile a variety of resources to help children calm their brains and bodies. There are activities such as mindfulness & meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, calming sounds, and live animal cams. One of my favorites is this site. If kids practices these tools on a regular basis, while they're in the green zone already, then the skills will be more accessible to them on challenging days when they may be in the yellow zone.